The Third Wheel – A Communication Dynamic

We have all experienced situations where we are with a friend, and they run into an old friend and start to reminisce about their past. You witness the shared emotions, cadence, language, and pace, while most likely feeling left out. When in a conversational flow state like this, the rhythm, language, and pace can leave [...]

Interconnectivity, Flow, and Balance

Yvette Bethel's latest book, Interconnectivity, Flow, and Balance Model (IFB) introduces an operating system that functions in the background of all ecosystems, including organizations, families, and multiple other types of communities. Like computer operating systems, IFB is ever-present, not always perceived, and prolific. It arranges your organization’s internal ecosystem around inherent rules of behavioral, change, and other [...]

5 Preparatory Steps for Successful Organizational Design

With new emphasis on innovation, change, and mergers, modern organizations are finding themselves in a new situation of nearly constantly re-designing their organizational chart. According to recent research by McKinsey, 60% of corporate respondents said they experienced an organizational redesign in the past 2 years. And yet, according to the same research, less than a [...]

Expand Your Impact by Developing Others

One of John Maxwell’s law of leadership is called the Law of the Lid. According to Maxwell, “Leadership ability determines a person’s level of effectiveness.”  In other words, the leader cannot surpass his or her own ability to lead. By extension, the skills of persons reporting to a leader rarely exceed the leader’s capability to [...]

From a Culture of Control to One of Empowerment

In work cultures where control is highly valued, sometimes the control regime starts when the business was initially established, but more often it happens when the organization enters into growth mode and the previously loose structure needs to be tightened in order for the business to leave survival mode and grow.  The intent behind implementing [...]